"Tarantula" Australia's King of Spiders
Life Isn't That Serious
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إضغط على الصورة للتكبير
i think the Cayenne is prettier, what do you think ??
(click on the photo to see a larger one)
and for more info & pictures of the above cars click here for the Cayenne and here for the Touareg.
some videos of Turkish soccer team fans , i couldn't understand a word, but they seem really mad and violent and well organized !!! forget about european hooligans and watch this : video one video two video three video four video five video six this one from another team fans, they burned the stadium!! video seven
أول مرة أسمع عن تكسير وتعفيس الخام ؟؟ شنو هالخدمة؟؟